A Combination of Function and Business: Review of Ozge Karaoglu's EduBlog

Click for the link of Ozge Karaoglu's blog

Ozge Karaoglu's edublog is successful in combining the share of practical English-teaching technology and advertising of the author herself.

This blog has been ranked in the 50 Best Blogs for Education Leaders, in the Top 50 Education Technology Blogs, in the Top 50 Blog for e-Learning Tools and Tips as well as nominated for various different Edublogs Awards over the years. Its influence is of great importance among English teachers who want to teach children with ICT. 

The Share of Practical English-teaching Technology

In the  well-organized and clear homepage, there are six labels above. 'My Mobile Applications' and 'My Projects and Publishing' are author's own designs which are helpful for educators to teach young learners, especially kids. In 'My Mobile Applications', 5 Apps are interactive in teaching children, compatible with i-phone and iPad. For 'My Projects and Publishing', it is a little bit complex to use because people should click 'Go to Link' for many times to explore interesting games or stories in the website. Overall, the share is very generous and the content is helpful and attractive. With the use of these technology, educators can motivate students very well. 

Advertising of The Author Herself

Except two labels I talked above, the rest of them are all about the author herself: 'About me', "Contact me', 'My awards and nomination' and 'My workshops and trainings'. Firstly, it gives people more information that they can trust her expertise. For instance, 10 years featured conferences and training in different places is a great prove. Secondly, it can also be seen as an advertising approach that others can mail her to talk about paid products service. 
I think it is deserved because she spent so much time and effort designing and practicing those products. 

In conclusion, I like this Edublog where Ozge Karaoglu writes about teaching English through technology and web tools and applications to help educators to develop themselves. 


  1. The perspective of this blog is very novel. I've never regarded the Ozge Karaoglu's EduBlog as a commercial tool. It gives me completely new thinking about her blog. Good job!

  2. good organisation. If possible, can u tell me how the printscreen has been done.hhh. cos I have no idea about that..

    1. hhha, I use Mac system, use Command+shift+3, can do screenprint~

  3. Really interesting post, I like your use of colour and pictures.

  4. I think her blog would be useful for those who teach Young language learners, too. And I can see what you liked the most from her blog. Good!

  5. Hi Elliot, This is a great post - your own personal voice comes through and you illustrate what you are saying with relevant screenshots - great! You also found a different angle to look at Ozge's blog from - I agree that the blog is self-advertising but why not? She is clearly very experienced in what she is talking about. The only minor point I would make is that you have different colours and styles of font and headlines - I would choose one main headline style and one font so that if you do want to emphasise something with italics or bold, it is clear.

    1. Thank you for your comment! it's really helpful!

  6. Elliot it's so great to view your blog and learn about your idea. Obviously you've done an elaborate work.

  7. Elliot, good job for introducing this blogger. You have given enough reasons for me to read about her blogs.


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